Sunday, December 14, 2008


"...and they shall call him Emmanuel, which, being interpreted is, God with us." (Matthew 1:23)

One of the greatest blessings in having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the knowledge that He is a constant companion and friend. His name "Emmanuel" emphasizes this point so poignantly. God promises through the coming of our Saviour that God is with us_for Jesus Christ himself is God in the flesh. What a blessed privilege it is to realize that we have His manifest presence in our lives. He said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." It brings joy and comfort to know that we shall not travel the treacherous waters of life alone. He is with us in our boats. For this reason, we have the joy and confidence that we shall get to where He wants us to go. He will be with us on the mountain top, in the valley, in the flood, in the fire, and even in the darkest corners of this world. And since He is with us, nobody can be against us _ as long as we can stay on course with Him.

Therefore, we must never leave His side, we must walk with Hi, tak with Him and realize that H e is just a prayer away.

Pastor SD Ramos

Ministries Updates and Announcements

The kids enjoyed the day, swimming in the pool at Macquarie Links yesterday, courtesy of Taha. There were 14 kids in attendance and they had tons of fun!



  • To the ARTIST, He is the one ALTOGETHER LOVELY.
  • To the BAKER, He is the BREAD OF LIFE.
  • To the BANKER, He is the REDEEMER.
  • To the BIOLOGIST, He is the LIFE.
  • To the BUILDER, He is the SURE FOUNDATION.
  • To the CARPENTER, He is the DOOR.
  • To the FARMER, He is the LORD OF THE HARVEST.
  • To the FLORIST, He is the LILY OF THE VALLEY.
  • To the LAWYER, He is the LAWGIVER.
  • To the PHILOSOPHER, He is the WISDOM OF GOD.
  • To the PREACHER, He is the WORD OF GOD.
  • To the RANCHER, He is the GOOD SHEPHERD.
  • To the SERVANT, He is the GOOD MASTER.
  • To the SICK, He is the ONLY CURE.
  • To the STUDENT, He is the INCARNATE TRUTH.
  • To the TOURIST, He is the MAP TO HEAVEN.
  • To the TRAVELER, He is THE WAY.
  • To the WEARY, He is the GIVER OF REST.
But Jesus is more than what is in these descriptions.
  • To Simon Peter, He was the LIVING CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
  • To the disciples today, He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
  • To the church member, He is the ROCK ON WHICH THE CHURCH IS FOUNDED!

Who IS Jesus to you?

-Author Unknown-

Sunday, December 7, 2008


"For this cause, I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by His spirit in the inner man." (Ephesians 3:14,16)

Welcome to the last month of 2008. This month, our focus is on growing in our personal devotion to our Lord. This year so far, we've been challenged to go, give, pray, do and see beyond our immediate surrounds. And now, we need to take time and reflect on where we are in our relationship with our Lord. Let us treat the month of December as a "pit-stop" _ a time to restock our tanks with spiritual fuel, re-evaluate our position in Christ, re-focus on the true meaning of Christianity and reset our main goal, which is Christlikeness.

The key to power, effectiveness, longevity, perseverance and endurance is the power of the Holy Spirit in the "inner man". We can only hope to fulfill our commitments faithfully if we have the inner strength to do it with. Let us adopt the"iceberg" mentality_ all you see in the surface is just the tip. May we all together learn and re-learn how to spend quality time with Jesus. Let us re-commit ourselves to having our "inner man" renewed day by day. This is accomplished by having quiet moments with the Master.

I encourage all of you to take time to listen quietly to the still, small voice of God's spirit. Endeavor to uncover spiritual nuggets or gems in the Word of God. And then look at other people through His eyes of love.

God bless you.

Pastor SD Ramos

Ministries Updates and Announcements

21 December - Special Musical and Vision Night at 6:00 pm

25 December - Christmas Day Service at 9:00 am

Sunday, November 30, 2008


"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ." (Phil. 3:12,14)

Praise God for all the blessings and the trials in the ministry. The way God has been working in our midst has truly been marvelous. What a privilege it has been to witness the salvation of souls, baptisms and spiritual growth that our church is experiencing. I can honestly and sincerely say that this is truly the work of God, by His grace. He is blessing the ministry in spite of us. I would not be able to explain what is happening except to say, God is doing it.

On the other hand, though, I know most of us_if not all of us_are facing some trials of all sorts. While the ministry is experiencing some tremendous blessings, God is allowing some tests to come upon us which are sometimes heavier than we can bear. There are times when many of us are tempted to give up and entertain thoughts that non-involvement in the ministry might be a better alternative.

If we analyze it carefully, we come to certain conclusion which is as follows:

We are being blessed so that we might realize that the power is not in us, but of God, through us. What a blessing it is to know that God wants us to realize our need for God, lest we lifted up in pride, taking the credit for the results we're having to ourselves. Through the trials, we can keep looking up plead for more grace, as well as offer our praise the same time.

All in all, we must wrap up all the blessings and the trials and leave them at the foot of the cross and continue pressing on as our job is never done. there are always new challenges to face, mountain to climb, rivers and oceans to cross, burdens to bear, battles to win and grounds to gain. we must not become complacent because our blessings nor should we be discouraged because of our trials. Instead, we must use all that God allows us to have as our stepping stone in reaching forth unto greater heights.

Let us keep on pressing on.

Pastor SD Ramos

Ministries Updates and Announcements

  • Happy Birthday to those who will celebrate their birthdays this month of DECEMBER:
2 - Angela Collins
3 - Liezel Abesamis, Janeen Navarro
6 - Jake Abesamis, Christopher Viray
7 - Casper DeDroot
8 - James Reyes
10 - Jessica Calar
14 - Roy Hernando
19 - Ruth Hernando
25 - Lydia Thomas

  • Happy Anniversary to the following couples:
3 - Mr and Mrs Abel Aguillan; Mr and Mrs. Sonny Reyes
6 - Mr and Mrs Martin Dy III
20 - Mr and Mrs Edison Teodoro
30 - Mr and Mrs Romeo Tiongco

Sunday, November 23, 2008


"...thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

I Thank the Lord for the victorious Missions Conference and 38th Anniversary celebration of LBC. We were blessed with the tremendous truths from the Word of God. We were challenged to "enlarge our flock, our faith and our field" and then we were also called upon to "lift our eyes (from the things that hinder us), look on the field (lost people/souls), then labour with the team (to advance a greater cause); then we were also challenged to develop "the heart of the looking shepherd, the lonely bride and the loving father _ all for the value of ONE." Praise God for using Pastor Robert Bakks tremendously to challenge us with these truths. As a result, we have committed just over $31,000 for the year to missions! Let us pray that we can together fulfill our commitments.

Anniversary Sunday was a tremendous success also! We saw two souls saved. We had over a dozen first-time visitors. What a blessing!

I thank you all for your love, zeal, patience, involvement, prayers, cooperation, sacrifice _ yes, all the work that you have put into our event that just passed. Let us now treat every event with the same fervor and diligence. Let us all, with one heart, endeavour to keep the momentum going forward. Let us rally together. Let us build a team. With all of us and God being on the same side, we can do so many great things which we've never imagined before.

Enjoy your week and have a great Sunday!

Pastor SD Ramos


Ministries Updates and Announcements

Tonight, Pastor Lary Ramos and Nomer Camba will be our guest speakers at our Evening Service. Tonight will be their last night with us as they will go back to the Philippines on Wednesday. Please pray for them and also, prepare to give a special offering for them. There will be a time of fellowship (dinner) after the evening service.

Our Anniversary Pictures (Morning Service and Youth Ministry's Music Recital)

Youth's Recital

Sunday, November 16, 2008


" This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:23,24

Welcome to Leumeah Baptist Church. Today, we celebrate 38 years of God's goodness and faithfulness to this ministry. Another marvelous year has passed and truly, I can say that the Lord has been doing great things in our lives.

I praise the Lord for the privilege He has given e to serve as pastor of this church. It has been my joy and great pleasure to work with the people of LBC and together we have sought to honor the Lord Jesus Christ. This past year has had its ups and downs _ we have rejoiced together over our blessings, we have cried together through our trials, we have grown, we have decreased, we have won certain battles and lost some _ but all in all, we've had victory in Jesus for in Jesus, we are more than conquerors!

I realized that this church is not perfect_far from it. However, as long as we follow the Saviour through His Word, and be filled and led by the Holy Spirit's power, we can not go wrong. It is my prayer that God would have His way in our lives individually, and in the life of this church collectively. Fame and notoriety are not our goals but effectiveness and fruitfulness in the hands of a Holy and all-powerful God.

To our guest, I hope that this day will be a memorable one. I hope and pray that the message of God's word will have a life-long impact on your lives to the poit where you will receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, if you haven't done so yet. To our members, I would like to encourge you to keep pressing on. Let us rally together and advance the cause of our Saviour. Let us expand our vision and allow God to exand our herts. Let's recommit our lives to God and endeavour to offer Him our whole-hearted service. Let us love the Lord our God more than we've ever done, and at the same time, love each other the wat He loves us.

To God be all the glory!

Pastor SD Ramos

Ministries Updates and Announcements

We welcome to our church today the O'Derry Family (Jeff, Kylie and Charlie) _ missionaries to Madagascar.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


"Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."
"The harvest is truly plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest."

The verses of scripture printed above are words directly spoken by Christ during His earthly ministry. It is obvious that Christ's heartbeat was "missions" or the salvation of lost souls everywhere. This week, we have the opportunity to allow God to open our eyes, hearts and minds to the vast harvest fields full of white grain, waiting to be brought in _ I'm referring to the souls of men, women, boys and girls.

It is my prayer that God would use the events of these few nights that are coming up to help us re-adjust our focus, to re-assess our values, re-evaluate our priorities, to rekindle our passion, to reinforce our resolve, to reinvigorate our zeal and to expand our horizon so that we can see the world through His eyes.

May we not allow our earthly entanglements prevent our greater involvement in the eternal work of God. Let us have a vision of the great work of God being accomplished here and in the regions beyond us.

Welcome to our Missions Week!

Pastor SD Ramos


Ministries Updates and Announcements

  • We welcome to our church our missionary, Pastor Nomer Camba. He has come to attend our missions conference.
  • Our 38th Anniversary Sunday on 16 November.

Event Schedule for the Week:
  • Tuesday, 11 Nov, 7:15 pm - "Singspiration"
  • Wednesday, 12 Nov, 7:15 pm - Missions Conference - "Beyond Our Walls"
  • Thursday, 13 Nov, 7:15 pm - Missions Conference - "Beyond Our City"
  • Friday, 14 Nov, 7:15 pm - Missions Conference - "Beyond Our Shores"
  • Saturday, 15 Nov, 12:00 noon - Missions BBQ at Koshigaya Park, Campbelltown
  • Sunday, 16 Nov, - Anniversary Sunday - starting with our morning service at 10 am, followed by Fellowship Lunch at 12, then Music Recital at 5 pm and Evening Service at 6

Sunday, November 2, 2008


"Where there is no vision, the people perish. But he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18

We are reminded in the scriptures that vision is vital for our spiritual progress and survival. We cannot move forward with moment um if we lose our vision. We need to allow God to work in our hearts and rekindle our passion for Him. We need waves of heaven-sent, Holy Spirit filled revival in order for our spiritual vision to remain clear.

We need a life-changing vision. We need to see with our eyes of faith firstly, the true person of our lord Jesus Christ. We must see him as he really is_ _ Lord! We must also need to see secondly the value of souls. Our real purpose on earth is to salt this place with our lives, and pray that through our spiritual fervency and influence, we bring many to God's saving grace. And finally, we must never lose sight of our eternal reward and fellowship with the saviour. We must constantly fix our attention and affection on things above, not on earthly things, which can be spoilt and corrupted. Specifically, let us allow the spirit of God to help us see a vibrant future_not so much a distant one_where our lives individually and our church collectively become so fruitful that God is indeed glorified.

Let us not lose focus and vision. Let us dream on.

Your friend,
Pastor SD Ramos

Ministry Updates and Announcements

Soul Winning and Visitation Report

Saturday, 1st November: The total number of our team is eleven (11). Nine of us went to Airds where we door-knocked and talked to people on the streets. Sister Geraldine saw an opportunity to lead three teenagers to the Lord. Praise God! Bro. Banghal and his team of three people went to a follow-up visit and an opportunity for a new home. Follow-up bible study is created for one of the recent converts. Praise the Lord for the overall result of our soul winning efforts!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


" I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." Luke 15:10

Praise God for souls that get saved! Yesterday, our people went out for soul winning and a number of souls received Jesus Christ as their Saviour_ what a blessing! The number of people that got saved may not be thousands or hundreds, but the Lord says there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents. Let us not lose sight of the value of one.

Let us also realize the potential of what many of us could do if we all went out together. The possibilities cannot be quantified. Therefore let us all commit our lives to the task of bringing the gospel to everyone we come in contact with. Let us pray for labourers and volunteer to enter the harvest at the same time.

Your friend,

Pastor SD Ramos


Ministry Updates and Announcements

Friday Night Prayer Meeting - this Friday, the 31st October at 8:30 pm.

Volunteer homes - we need volunteers to host some of our guest preachers during the missions conference. Check with Pastor Sherwin for details.

Clean Up and Fix Up - we need to all work together every Saturday over the next few weeks to clean up and fix up our property in preparation for Anniversary Sunday. Pastor will announce details during the services.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness; come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves, we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good, his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations." Psalm 100

The attitude of our heart is very important when it comes to ministry and service_more important than our actual activity and performance. David in the psalm above tends to make a big deal about serving the Lord with gladness and excitement, as an overflow of our devotion, gratitude and fellowship with the Lord.

We need to realize that in serving the Lord, He does not want us to feel burdened but delighted. This means that in our lives as Christians, our focus must be on our relationship with Him first, then service to him next. If we reverse the order, it becomes a burden. Then, when we are not active, if our relationship with Christ is not how it is supposed to be, we become discouraged and feel useless.

Let us come before him with gladness and singing indeed.

Your friend,

Pastor SD Ramos

Ministry Updates and Announcements

24th-25th October - Soul winning marathon and on the 26th, Harvest Sunday.

The following are the details on the funeral service for Cindy Kruss: to be held on Monday, 20th of October 2008 at 11:00 am at Highland Baptist Church in Mittagong, NSW. Special offering for the Kruss family may be placed in the envelopes. Please mark them accordingly.

Quarterly meeting after the morning service.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

As we seek to advance the cause of Jesus Christ, we will surely face some challenges. One such challenge is the opposition that comes from the enemy of the church _old Satan himself. Even though we know that he is a defeated foe, he surely isn't one for going down without a struggle. He is committed to causing severe difficulty on the work of God, or stopping it altogether. In his attempt to stop the work of God, Satan is resolved on utilizing every trick and tool within his employ to carry out his schemes. The sad reality is that he often uses people_even God's people_so as to confuse them, making them fight each other.

Let us be reminded that "we wrestle not against the flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12) Therefore when trials comes, and I know he will, let us keep our minds clear through the word of God, and His Holy Spirit and realize that we are engaged in a spiritual battle and that the ministry is spiritual in nature.

We have not been called to accomplish anything within our power but by God's mighty power. Our simple task is to remain faithful, steadfast, unshakeable and unmoveable through the torrents of severe adversity and by God's grace, seek to abound in His work in every circumstance.

We have enjoyed rich blessings from our Father above and no doubt the devil will want to ron us of our joy in spite of that. Let us therefore purpose in our hearts that through blessings or trials, we are going to be His loyal servants, willing to abound and to suffer loss for Jesus' sake.

God bless you and have a great Sunday.

Your friend

Pastor SD Ramos


Ministries Updates and Announcements

Congratulations to the Thomas family for the safe arrival of Mikayla Faith, born on the 9th of October 2008. Pray for Sister Nicole as she recovers from a long, hard and complicated labour. The family requests no visits just yet until Nicole regains her strength.

Cindy Kruss went home to be with the Lord on Thursday morning, 9th October 2008. She is the daughter of Peter Kruss. She was a member of Leumeah Baptist Church. Cindy served as a Sunday School teacher, superintendent and kids' ministry coordinator. We give our heartfelt sympathy to Peter and Maureen Kruss. Cindy will surely be missed and will never be forgotten.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" Hebrews 12:1,2

The scripture verses above remind us of a "cloud of witnesses" urging us to finish our "race". This cloud of witnesses is composed of those believers mentioned in chapter 11 _ commonly referred to as the "hall of faith". Their faith in God's ability and power gave them the privilege of seeing impossible things happen. They are true heroes of faith. In our own lifetime, there are also a number of people that God would have used or perhaps is still using to help shape our lives into the form that God has purposed. They may not know it, but their life, dedication and example inspire us to achieve noble feats and to dream for great accomplishments. These people are what I call God's unsung heroes.

May we take time to reflect on those people that God has blessed our lives with, and thank them. They have impacted our lives, and left lifetime impressions in our hearts. Let us praise the Lord for such blessing.

Your friend
Pastor Sherwin D Ramos


Ministries Updates and Announcements

  • LBC welcomes our guest preachers, Bro. Ed Brown, outgoing pastor of Sherwood Hills Baptist Church and Bro RJ Lizarondo of Bible Baptist Church, Pasig City, Philippines. Pastor Brown will preach in our morning service while Pastor Lizarondo will preach in our evening service.
Congratulations to Edison and Juliet Teodoro for the arrival of baby Julienne, born on 27 September. Both mum and bub are doing well. Praise the Lord!

  • Today is Heroes' Day in LBC. Check out our church's celebration.

Monday, September 22, 2008


"But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory, now and forever." (2 Peter 3:18)

The biggest room, they say, is the room for improvement. Growth is a never-ending process _ at least it should be. When all growth stops, everything begins to deteriorate.

In the second book of Peter, we are commanded keep growing in grace and knowledge. This means not only are we to keep growing in christian character or "Christ-likeness" but also in understanding and knowledge. We must endevour to know more and more. Our previously held ideas and beliefs need to be challenged by the word of God continually. May we never come to the place in our lives where pride prevents us from learning _ where we say "I know it already." God cannot use whom He cannot teach. Learning the truth produces right knowledge, and right knowledge produces right character.

Let us keep on growing in the Lord and continually desire to go deeper in the Word of God by diligently studying. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Your friend,

Pastor Sherwin D Ramos

Ministries Updates and Announcements
  • Praise God for Pastor Chito Mendoza!
We praise and thank the Lord for Pastor Chito Mendoza. He has been a tremendous blessing to us. He has helped us gain greater understanding in the word of God, especially on those areas that have become devisive issues among Baptists. Pray for him as he travels back to the Philippines tomorrow.
  • Guest Preachers for next Sunday, Sept 28
Brother Ed Brown will be guest speaker in our morning service. He is the outgoing pastor of Sherwood Hills. He has been invited in our church to preach before he goes back to the United States.

Brother RJ Lizarondo of Bible Baptist Church in Pasig City, Philippines, will be our guest speaker in our evening service. His church has a ministry of giving, not only used clothes and food, but also sharing the Word of God, to street children.
  • Events for the week:

Sept 26th, Friday at 8:30 pm - special prayer meeting.

Sept 27th, Saturday, from 8:00 am onwards - work day, all-church clean up day

Sept 28th, Sunday, 12:00 noontime - monthly lunch fellowship

Thursday, September 18, 2008


"Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ" I Corinthians 11:1

In keeping with our monthly emphasis, i.e. leadership for the month of September, let us observe the call that the apostle Paul gave to the church of Corinth when he said, "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."

This reminds us that effective leadership is not one where our personal agenda and program take precedence or preeminence but rather, the life and example of Christ. It matters not whether we become popular or powerful in our own eyes and the eyes of others. What matters is that we are able to lead the way, pave a path or direct others to the love of God. It is our duty to make sure that our lives simply become guideposts to the Saviour _ not just for salvation, but also for living.

Anyone can be a leader, but only those who make Christ and Christ-likeness their passionate goal shall truly cast a shadow of influence that adds spiritual value i the lives of those who come close to them.

May we endevour to have God's leadership exemplified in our lives both privately and publicly. We do not have to invent new ideas and unique methods, we just have to keep following the Lord and encourage others to do the same.

God bless you and have a great Sunday!

Your friend,
Pastor Sherwin D Ramos

Sunday, September 14, 2008


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1:17

Today, as we give honour to our father, may we never forget the perfect father of us all _ our Heavenly Father. We must give Him our sincerest praise and thanks for all His benefits toward us. Without Him and His grace, we will not enjoy one single day of joy, peace and happiness anywhere_ here in this life or the next. Let us thank the Lord for his providence, guidance, care, love and grace. As His children, let us learn to lean wholly on Him.

To the fathers, the challenge for us is to model through our lives the fatherhood of God as we raise and care for our own children. As children, may we love and cherish our dads, commend them to the Lord in prayer and seek to honour our greatest father of all _ our Lord.

Your friend,
Pastor Sherwin D Ramos

Ministry Updates and Announcements
  • Welcome Pastor Chito Mendoza of Park Baptist Church, Quezon City, Philippines
Pastor Mendoza will be our guest speaker during our four-night revival meeting starting on Tuesday, 9 Sept, and he will also be our preacher today. I know that he will e a tremendous blessing to us all as he has been to me personally. Let us allow God to bless and refresh our hearts this week.

  • Fathers' Day BBQ
Today, we celebrate Fathers' Day with BBQ. Everyone is welcome to enjoy good food and fellowship in Leumeah Baptist Church.

  • Spring Revival - A Time of Spiritual Refreshing
Join us, as Pastor Mendoza discuss about the end times. Will run from 9th September to 12th at 7:30 pm.

  • Welcome Bro. Jeremy Pinero and family
We welcome Bro. Jeremy Pinero and his wife, Liz, and their children. He is missionary to Vanuatu and will talk about "Reach Vanuatu", a missions program in reaching the lost in Vanuatu. He shall also be our guest speaker on the 14th.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Welcome to Family Sunday!

It is a great blessing to belong to a family _ actually three families. My own physical family, God's family and my church family. There is no other place I would rather be in those three places. But the key to having a great family life is good communication. Let us all endeavor to speak words that edify, listen to and empathize well with one another.

May we always let Christ rule in our spirits and in our relationships so that we will enjoy our lives together by His grace.

Your friend,
Pastor Sherwin D Ramos

Ministry Updates and Announcements
  • Welcome Bro. John Ramm and his wife Mary, to our morning service today.
Bro. John is the founder and director of The Pikininis Project Australia, a children's project., which is a ministry of his home church, the Highlands Baptist Church in Mittagong. He'll be presenting more about the ministry to us as well as the word of God. You'll find details about the ministry on
  • Packages Sent!
We were able to send 3 boxes to Scavenger Ministry, a ministry of Bible Baptist Church, Pasig, Rizal,in the Philippines. The boxes contained old clothes and canned food. This is a ministry to the homeless families and destitute people who, not only received material blessings, but most importantly, the Gospel. Thanks to the hard work of Bro. RJ Lizarondo, the director of this ministry.
  • Birthday Greetings
Happy birthday to all September celebrants:
  • Sept 2 - Jing Banghal
  • Sept 9 - Geraldine Aguilan
  • Sept 20 - Abel Aguilan
  • Sept 29 - Pastor Sherwin Ramos and Hannah Sampang.

Monday, September 1, 2008


What's our problem? We are all sinful and separated from God.

  • For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

God originally created us to have fellowship with Him and live with Him forever. But since Adam and Eve committed sin (disobedience) in the garden of Eden, we became spiritually separated with God. That act of disobedience resulted to "spiritual death" or eternal separation from God.

  • For the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)

Mankind has been trying to reach Holy God by a variety of means _ through morality or doing good deeds, joining religious groups or denomination, and philosophy _ but all without success.

  • But we are all as an unclean thing; and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isaiah 64:6)

But God provided an answer to our problem _ by sending His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)

What mankind cannot do, God did, by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for all mankind. He laid down His life to become the bridge between God and us.

  • For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; its is a gift from God: not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Now, what must YOU do? You cannot bridge the gap but YOU CAN CHOOSE to trust Jesus Christ to bridge the gap for you.

  1. First, acknowledge that you have sinned against God.
  2. Second, repent and turn away from any sin.
  3. Third, believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again from the dead. (I Corinthians 15:1-4)
  4. Fourth, invite Jesus Christ to come into your life to be your Lord and Saviour from sin.

  • Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. (Acts 3:19)
  • But as many as received Him, to them he gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. (John 1:12)

The following short prayer may help you to make a definite act of commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ:

"Lord Jesus, it is true that I am a sinner and that I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died on the cross, in my place to pay the penalty for my sins, and that You rose from the dead. By faith, I turn from my sin and ask you to live in my life as my Saviour and Lord, Amen."

Gospel Tracts

Cartoon gospel tracts from Chick Publication. For more gospel tracts, visit